Which Digital Storage Format Is Most Suitable For You?

Posted by Chloe Christine Allerton on

There is such a wide variety of storage solutions in the modern world, the cloud, digital footprint, blockchain. How is anybody outside of IT supposed to even begin to comprehend these crazy things? Yes, it is true, we all know our way around a computer perhaps checking an email, browsing the internet or even playing a video game or two but all the rest is just added confusion people do not want to waste their time on. 


Alas, there are options out there which are definitely a lot less overwhelming, here are three digital storage solutions bound to be perfect for anybody!



Who isn't familiar with DVDs? This technology has been around for some time, being the in thing at the time of their release. However, they have since been overtaken by the likes of blu-ray which is essentially a better version. 


Furthermore, DVDs are impeccably easy to store, label and do not take up heaps of space. DVDs have the ability to store picture files, meaning you can put it in your DVD player and watch all of your pictures and videos from any screen. 



As already stated, blu-ray is vastly taking the place of DVDs even though they are able to read DVDs you must keep in mind that plenty of new technology has risen including computers that no longer come equipped with dvd players. 


Digital download

This option is mess-free, all you need worry about is keeping your computer or laptop safe! Simply get online and download all of your pictures, videos and audio recordings all into one place. 


The benefit of digital download is that no storage space is required, all you have to think about is saving it to your computer. 



For this option, a back-up is more likely required, such as Google Drive or Microsoft one drive to ensure none of your precious memories are lost. Unless, of course, you are 100% certain you can rely on your computer not crashing! 


Thumb drives

Thumb drives have an intensely high storage capacity; they are ever so small, therefore, easily transportable, as well as being compatible with practically any and every computer system.


Thumb drives are easy to use; it is just the case of plugging it into your computer, saving your pictures and then storing it in a drawer somewhere. The memory will last for some time, so you do not have to worry about erasing all your personal data. 



As DVD players are being evicted from computers, so are thumb drive ports. Although they are great for storing, they may not be the best primary source of media. 


So there it is, each option has its own positives and negatives that make the right choice unique to everybody deciding. The good news? You're not limited to only one option and can pick the device that best suits your needs. 

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