The DVD vs The VHS

Posted by Ian Stewart on

As digital media continues to play a larger role in our lives, consumers are buying less physical media like DVDs and VHS tapes. But after more than two decades of advancements, those products still hold a special place in the hearts of many — especially collectors and older buyers who find value in collections of their favourite movies; and some younger buyers who still enjoy watching the occasional DVD or VHS tape for nostalgic reasons.

Millions of people around the world love the nostalgic appeal of old VHS tapes and DVDs. From movies to home videos, we want to look back on these memories that are associated with our favourite films and TV shows growing up — just like us; you feel chaotic and disorganised when you can't find your older movies.

Nostalgia can be infectious. Many of our fondest memories involve DVDs — these little plastic discs shaped like a discus were once the future of entertainment and media. But, as technology continues to advance, DVDs get replaced by online streaming and downloads. Still, if you've been itching for a blast from the past, there are a few ways you can experience that old-school feeling with DVDs.

The internet has made it possible to buy everything from food to clothing to books, but sometimes you just want to go back in time and buy some DVDs. Buying physical copies of your favourite films is a good way to start up a home collection — and you can choose them based on your personal preferences.

Nonetheless, let's compare the two:

What's a DVD?

DVDs have been around since around 1996 and were initially created as a way to store large amounts of data. But did you know that they were initially used for storing software on computers? Now, they're the most popular way of watching movies at home, and there are so many movies out there!

Once DVDs first became mainstream with the introduction of the DVD player, they were used to bring audio and video to a variety of devices — TVs, gaming consoles, and more. But then came the dawn of streaming platforms, which slowly took over all of your movie viewing and TV binge-watching needs.

DVDs may have fallen out of mainstream favour, but they are still alive and used in niche audiences. Some people value the physical properties that come with a DVD, such as covers and artwork. Software companies can also use DVDs to distribute their programs, as not everyone has access to the web or streaming platforms.

What's a VHS?

A VHS is a videocassette made for playing videos or film on a VHS tape. Originally, VHS tapes were used to record and show movies from the 1970s to the 1990s. However, DVDs began to take over this format and took most of the spotlight away from VHS tapes. But now with technology constantly improving, VHS tapes are making a comeback in interest as people see them as a unique and humorous way to share their memories with others.


DVDs and VHS movies are nearly identical in that they share the same purpose — to entertain viewers with their respective video content.

In today's market, DVDs and VHS tapes are generally considered a niche product; they're not nearly as popular as they once were. However, they still have some use — perhaps as a fun way to share an awesome video with friends or even a collectable for movie buffs.


While the two options both store video, they are drastically different in file format and quality. The VHS tape is a rectangle block shape with a magnetic film inside, whereas the DVD is more like a disc (and stores data using a laser). The resolution of an old VHS tape is 333 by 480 pixels, while the average DVD has 720p by 480p

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